FREE ClassVR Webinar on December 12

ClassVR will share basic information and allow time for Q&A

UPDATE: all the December spots for this webinar have been filled. Watch our website and newsletter for updates on the next available free webinar, hopefully taking place mid-January.

It’s been such an exciting year at CMLE sharing our VR headset kits with our school members! However, since this is such a new program, we know we are not experts. That’s why we have been pleased to share these free webinar opportunities from our ClassVR vendor, which provide demonstrations and allow time for Q&A.

Just a quick note to say that if you haven’t heard about our VR program, get all the information here! And complete this Google Form to reserve kits for your school. (CMLE member school libraries only).

Register for your spot here! The November webinar did fill up pretty quickly, so we recommend securing your seat ASAP. We have also found it helpful to keep a list of questions nearby as you work with the headsets, in order to update it with any concerns you may have, because these webinars are the best time to ask them!

From their website: “Part one: Demonstration with the opportunity for questions afterwards. Part two: ClassVR updates followed by questions.

CMLE is planning some more in-person training for the VR kits in late January/early February. We will share these dates on our site when they are scheduled.

This program is funded in part with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education using federal funding, CFDA 45.310 – Library Services and Technology Act, Grants to States Program (LS-00-19-0024-19).