Podcasting Books and Libraries: Remember Reading?

You probably know that we run a couple of podcasts here:

So, yeah – we are big fans of podcasts! They can be such a good way to share ideas with your community.

Each week we share a podcast about books and/or libraries, so you can join us in expanding podcast community and admiring the work others are doing to share cool info!

This week we are admiring the podcast Remember Reading?

“Remember Reading is a monthly podcast from HarperCollins where we talk about classic children’s books. In each episode, we rediscover one classic book, uncovering the unique story behind the story.

While sitting down with authors writing for today’s kids, we seek to find thematic parallels between books of the past and books of the present and deep dive into the special magic that makes a children’s book timeless.”

You can enjoy some favorite books, and share them with kids newer than you! Some recent episodes are: