Chat with other ClassVR Users in our Google Groups


Sharing ClassVR headset devices has been the best start to our school year! Find more resources and information about this program here.

It’s been really wonderful to hear back from our school members that have been using the devices. Keep up the great work!! And thank you for the pictures!! 🎉🎉📷

If you haven’t had the devices yet at your school, or are unsure about how others have been using them in their curriculum, we invite you to join our Google Groups. We have two groups available and hope that you will be able to connect with each other for general VR discussion and also to share/solve tech issues and solutions.

Email us at admin @ (no spaces) and we will invite you to join the groups, otherwise you can request membership below:

General ClassVR Discussion:

Tech Help ClassVR:

If you have any questions specifically related to VR, please email vr @ (no spaces) and we will do our best to help! These devices are new to us too, so we are also in the process of learning how they work.

This program is funded in part with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education using federal funding, CFDA 45.310 – Library Services and Technology Act, Grants to States Program (LS-00-19-0024-19).