Virtual Book Happy Hour!

Virtual book happy hour logo

We miss chatting about books with you, so we’ve decided to bring the book group to you!

Last week we had our first Virtual Book Happy Hour and it was just the sort of end-of-week fun we needed!!

We shared books for all ages (some introduced by very young fans of CMLE) and even got to take a look at some of the creative projects our library friends are working on!

Can you join us?? We’d love to “see” you! Bring a book or a craft to share, or just get ready to chat about how things are going for you.
We will be holding these Virtual Book Happy Hours via Zoom this Thursday, April 23rd and next Thursday April 30th starting at 4:30pm. These are casual events so if you arrive later or have family members/pets/quarantine distractions, that is completely OK!

Here’s the link to the Zoom meeting:

Please email us with any questions! admin (at) Hope to see you Thursday! 😊