All posts by Admin

Episode 314: Weird Fiction

Welcome back! We are so pleased you are joining us for our podcast book group: Reading with Libraries! This week we will be talking about a very interesting genre: Weird Fiction. Not sure what weird fiction means, exactly? Don’t worry, we’ll break it down for you!

Check out our full shownotes page here, to get all the links to books and beverages we share today.

We are very pleased to to welcome returning Guest Host Kelly Kraemer!

Suggested Reading Resources:

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Book Bites: Zealot

Book Bites are quick, five minute looks at a book from readers. Try a new book this week!

Today’s book is Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, by Reza Asla.

Want to be a full book group member? Join us on Patreon! For as little as $1 a month, you can support the podcast as well as helping to keep Official Office Dog, Lady Grey, in treats.
We also have new episodes of our book group podcast: Reading With Libraries dropping every Thursday morning; subscribe to get it in your app, or stream it on our website.

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Episode 313 Sociology

Welcome back! Thanks for joining us for our podcast book group: Reading with Libraries!

Check out our full shownotes page here, with links to all the books we discussed, to many other resources you can explore, and of course to the beverages we are enjoying.

In our book group we have fun talking about books, and provide useful information for library people doing Reader’s Advisory work. There are so many books out there that it’s tough to be an expert on all of them. So we pick a new genre each week to chat about and hopefully provide you with some insight into what may be an unfamiliar genre!

Who is joining us this week? We are very pleased to welcome Guest Host Kitt Godfrey.

Today we are talking about books that look at different groups of people, and books that will help us to learn about the ways people live. It’s going to be all over the place, but all the books have one thing in common: people are endlessly fascinating, and you can never know enough about all the different ways people are.

As always, the images and links on our shownotes page are from If you click on any, and happen to buy a lovely book (or anything else!), Amazon will give us a small percent of their profits. Yay!! Thanks in advance for doing this!!

Check out this episode!

Book Bites: The Ring

Book Bites are quick, five minute looks at a book from readers. Try a new book this week!

Today’s book is The Ring, by Koji Suzuki.


Want to be a full book group member? Join us on Patreon! For as little as $1 a month, you can support the podcast as well as helping to keep Official Office Dog, Lady Grey, in treats.
We also have new episodes of our book group podcast: Reading With Libraries dropping every Thursday morning; subscribe to get it in your app, or stream it on our website.

Check out this episode!

Episode 312 Advocacy Books

Welcome back! We are so pleased you are joining us for our podcast book group: Reading with Libraries! This week we will be talking about books about advocacy and activism!

This week we are so pleased to promote a local author, Habso Mohamud! Habso has written an excellent children’s book  It Only Takes One Yes and we have three copies to give away to the first three people that comment on this episode’s show notes page.

Our books today will include the experiences of activists as well as suggestions for how to be more effective in your own advocacy work! Side note: We really encourage you to advocate for libraries! If you don’t know why this is important or just need help getting started, send us an email: or visit and we’d be happy to help you!

Check out this episode!