All posts by Admin

Book Bites: The Confidence Code for Girls

Book Bites are quick, five minute looks at a book from readers. Try a new book this week!

Today’s book is The Confidence Code for Girls, by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman.


Want to be a full book group member? Join us on Patreon! For as little as $1 a month, you can support the podcast as well as helping to keep Official Office Dog, Lady Grey, in treats.
We also have new episodes of our book group podcast: Reading With Libraries dropping every Thursday morning; subscribe to get it in your app, or stream it on our website

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Episode 311: Literary Mysteries

Welcome back! We are so pleased you are joining us for our podcast book group: Reading with Libraries!

Who is joining us this week? We are pleased to welcome returning Guest Host Leah Larson from State Library Services!

Literary mysteries combine the excitement of a mystery, with all its twists and turns and puzzles to solve, with the careful thought given to word choices and ideas. One article said a snarky way to describe it would be “a book people have heard of, but haven’t read.” Umberto Eco is the example here: many people have heard of The Name of the Rose and Foucault’s Pendulum – but many of those people have never made it to the end of the books.

But literary fiction can be very broad, and encompasses many of the best-selling mysteries people are definitely reading right now. Words and characters matter, and subverting the reader’s expectations is part of the fun. You know a literary fiction story when you read it; you can tell that you are enjoying the way the story is put together as much as you are enjoying following the clues.

Check out this episode!

Book Bites: Jeeves and the King of Clubs

Book Bites are quick, five minute looks at a book from readers. Try a new book this week!

Today’s book is Jeeves and the King of Clubs, by Ben Schott.


Want to be a full book group member? Join us on Patreon! For as little as $1 a month, you can support the podcast as well as helping to keep Official Office Dog, Lady Grey, in treats.
We also have new episodes of our book group podcast: Reading With Libraries dropping every Thursday morning; subscribe to get it in your app, or stream it on our website.

Check out this episode!

Episode 310: Women in Science Fiction

Welcome back! We are so pleased you are joining us for our podcast book group: Reading with Libraries! This week we will be talking about Women in Science Fiction! We’ve talked about this genre before (check out Episode 102 for Sci-Fi or Episode 207 for Dystopian Future) but this week we’re focusing specifically on women authors in the genre!

You can check out our full shownotes page here.

We are very happy to welcome returning Guest Host Amy Schrank!

We have lots of links to different information, links to the nice beverages we are drinking, and links to all the books we discuss. (Buckle up, folks – it’s a lot!)


Check out this episode!

Book Bites: We Are Okay

Book Bites are quick, five minute looks at a book from readers. Try a new book this week!

Today’s book is We Are Okay, by Nina LaCour.


Want to be a full book group member? Join us on Patreon! For as little as $1 a month, you can support the podcast as well as helping to keep Official Office Dog, Lady Grey, in treats.
We also have new episodes of our book group podcast: Reading With Libraries dropping every Thursday morning; subscribe to get it in your app, or stream it on our website.

Check out this episode!