Episode 201: Picture Books

Welcome to our podcast Reading with Libraries! It’s our first show of Season Two  – and our first show with a fun new name, and first one hosted on a fun new server. So there are many fun things happening here!! And we are so excited to be back here chatting about books with you!

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This week we are discussing Picture Books! We are excited to welcome returning Guest Host Kelly Groth!

Check out our full page with all the information: themed beverages, books, and suggestions for more recommendations!

Picture Books are
children’s books that provide a “visual experience” – telling a story with pictures.  There may or may not be text with the book.  The content of the book, however, can be fully explained or illustrated with pictures.  Note that picture books do not even need to tell stories – they might illustrate letters of the alphabet or numbers.  A picture book may even tell a story entirely with illustrations.  Many times, these books are published in a small size, something that children can actually hold in their small hands – these books are called hand-books. There are fun books for young, non-reading children to play with.  Often, they can tell the story based on the illustrations, pretending to “read” the book.