Tag Archives: ALCTS Exchange

Call for posters!

ALCTS Exchange – May 2017

From the Association for Library Collection and Technical Services group:

Hurry, registration and virtual poster presentation deadlines quickly approaching!

March 15 – Early-Bird Deadline

The early-bird registration deadline for the first-ever, fully online forum from ALCTS is March 15. Register by March 15 to save on registration costs. Learn more and register.


March 17 – Virtual Poster Proposals Deadline

The ALCTS Exchange is now accepting virtual posters for two virtual poster presentation opportunities. Virtual posters highlighting work that addresses the intersections of collections and technical services and diversity and inclusion will be accepted until March 17. Learn more and submit your virtual poster.

Continue reading Call for posters!

Involved in cataloging or tech services? Share your ideas!


ALCTS Exchange


The ALCTS Exchange is extending its call for virtual poster presentations until March 17, 2017

The ALCTS Exchange virtual poster session offers the opportunity to share and promote work, research, and ideas across the ALCTS Exchange’s topical themes: new roles and workflows, creative problem solving, creating connections with user communities, and building skills to prepare for the future. We are especially interested in highlighting work that addresses the intersections of collections and technical services and diversity and inclusion.

The ALCTS Exchange will include two poster presentation opportunities:

  • A poster lightning round session on May 11, wherein each presenter will have five minutes to speak, followed by a Q&A discussion forum.
  • A virtual poster collection and discussion forum available to Exchange registrants. File formats are not limited to static documents and presenters are encouraged submit videos and other types of media files. If you would like to submit a recorded video for the virtual poster collection, the ALCTS office will be available to assist with your recording.

Continue reading Involved in cataloging or tech services? Share your ideas!