Tag Archives: CFP

Lake Superior Libraries Symposium looking for lightning round presentations!

Image result for Lake Superior Libraries Symposium“The organizers of the Lake Superior Libraries Symposium (LSLS) invite lightning round presentation proposals for the sixth annual conference to be held on Friday, June 9, 2017 at the University of Minnesota Duluth Kathryn A. Martin Library.  The lighting round sessions will be held after lunch and presented to the entire group — sessions will be 8-12 minutes in length.

This year’s theme, Beyond Neutral, invites attendees to challenge the traditional stance of libraries as neutral spaces.   Possibilities for presentation topics include:
  • Breaking Barriers, Opening Doors:  What steps have you taken to make your library welcoming and accessible to your community?  Have you connected with community partners or altered the physical space of your library?
  • Reflecting Our Communities:   How have you used programming, collection development, displays, or services to support diversity and inclusion?
  • Starting the Dialogue:  How can we best address challenging questions within our professions, like lack of professional diversity, the pace of change, and the library’s purpose?
Successful lightning round presentations will be applicable to many types of libraries and showcase effective and innovative practices.  All presenters will receive a discounted registration rate of $25.
To submit a proposal, please fill out the form here:  https://goo.gl/forms/kQ9oZ67GgjuboWeJ3.  All proposals should be submitted by Friday, April 28, 2017.  Presenters will be notified of acceptance in early May.
Questions?  Please contact the LSLS Committee at lslsorganize@googlegroups.com.


Mollie M. Stanford, MLISRegional Librarian — Youth Services & Training

Arrowhead Library System

Call for Chapters: “We Can Do I.T.: Women in Library Information Technology”

Wiki Women Editors Project - Women in technology 2.4 (18)
You still have time!  The call for submissions for essays for the book: We Can Do I.T.: Women in Library Information Technology has been extended to May 1, 2017!!!

If you were thinking of submitting an essay but ran out of time, please consider sending one in.  We have received many great submissions (thank you all) but we need to hear from more of you.  Remember, it can be as short as a tweet, or up to 1500 words.

If you are not sure what to write about, here are some topics, but you don’t need to limit yourself to these:
•              How you started in library I.T.

•              Stories related to being a woman in library I.T.

•              Experiences of acceptance or resistance within the library I.T. community

•              Tips and advice for other women seeking a career in library I.T.

•              Changes in your career path because of entering library I.T.

•              Changes you’d like to see happen within the library I.T. culture

•              Advice for library management on how to improve library I.T. culture

•              A vision for the future about/for women in library I.T.

If you still aren’t sure what to write, want to try a different format (we have received one interview), or you would like to propose a topic before you spend the time writing, please email us at: womenlibit@googlegroups.com<mailto:womenlibit@googlegroups.com> Continue reading Call for Chapters: “We Can Do I.T.: Women in Library Information Technology”

Journal of New Librarianship’s Innovation

Magazines in Prague DSCN5008

The Journal of New Librarianship’s Innovation Column editors are seeking proposals for the next issue of the journal. We are seeking submissions of 500 – 1000 words in length that cover practical approaches to topics such as fostering a culture of innovation, design thinking applications, change management, disruptive innovation, succession planning, communication in the multigenerational workforce, diversity fellowships, appreciative inquiry, and related areas.

If you are interested, please complete our submission form at https://goo.gl/forms/AW38zMOrs7auP1wP2 by May 1 with a short summary of your proposed idea and we will get back to you by the week of May 22.


Cinthya Ippoliti and Matt Upson

Editorial Board Members, Journal of New Librarianship




Call for essays: Women in Library Information Technology

Photo of the Week- Women in STEM Introducing Girls to Engineering (8722940949)
CMLE members – many of you work with IT in your jobs, and this is a good time to share your experience!

If you want someone to bounce around some ideas, or to talk about putting this together – we are here to help you at CMLE HQ!
Call for Essays

Working Title: We Can Do I.T. : Women in Library Information Technology
Editors: Jenny Brandon, Sharon Ladenson, Kelly Sattler
Submission Deadline: March 27, 2017
Publisher: Library Juice Press

Description of book:
What roles are women playing in information technology (I.T.) in libraries? What are rewards that women experience, as well as challenges they face in library I.T.? What are future visions for women in library I.T.?
This edited collection will provide a voice for people to share insights into the culture, challenges, and rewards of being a woman working in library I.T.  We are soliciting personal narratives from anyone who works in a library about what it is like to be a woman, or working with women, in library I.T. Continue reading Call for essays: Women in Library Information Technology