Tag Archives: Libraries Serving Youth Meetup

Library Staff serving Youth Meet-Up in New Ulm

Do you work with young people at your library? Do you want to connect with other people from all different types of libraries that also work with youth? Do you like FREE professional development events?! Then mark your calendars for this event on Saturday, October 6th!

Join other library staff working with kids at this unique professional development meet-up. Get together with area colleagues to share experiences and ideas. Potential topics include using ebooks Minnesota, successful school and public library collaborations, and building your local networks.  The agenda will be refined by the registered participants.

Library staff working with youth from all kinds of libraries are welcome to participate in this free professional development event.

Sponsored by Traverse des Sioux Library Cooperative in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Education. Up to 3 continuing education contact hours are available.”

After the event you can check out the area of New Ulm, which includes Schell’s Brewery, a state park, and plenty of German heritage! For more information, check out the event page.

Libraries Serving Youth Meet-up


Please take advantage of this first-ever meetup. It looks to be a great learning opportunity. Register now!

Title: Libraries Serving Youth Meet-up

Date: Saturday, April 18, 2015

Time(s): 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Location: Minnesota Department of Education, Roseville, CC-13


In this session, school librarians will network with public librarians—and each other. Participants will learn about successful public library and school collaborations, get creative ideas, and enjoy a free lunch!

Event Type: Professional Development

Target Audience: Media Specialists, Public Librarians, School Librarians, Library Outreach, Library Youth Workers

Sponsor: State Library Services

Contact: Jennifer Verbrugge

Contact Phone: 651-582-8356

Contact Email: jennifer.verbrugge@state.mn.us

Fee: None

Registration URLhttps://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MDEMeetup

Registration Deadline: April 3, 2015

LIMITED SEATING AVAILABLE: 55 participants maximum

Materials: None

Additional Information: This training is made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services [LS 00-14-0024-14] and the Minnesota Department of Education.