Tag Archives: olympics

Olympics: Day Nine

sea water forming seafoams
Photo by Jess Vide on Pexels.com

The Olympics continue! And with this huge, international gathering of incredibly talented people comes the opportunity for libraries to connect books and other cool information sources to your community members.

Whether or not you are watching the Olympics, or care about sports, or even know about all the different sports in the Olympics – there are people in your community who care a lot. Especially when you are dealing with reluctant readers of any age, or people who may not connect their interests with books, this is a great opportunity to show how relevant your collection is to the community!

So, what is happening today?

  • badminton
  • baseball
  • basketball
  • beach volleyball
  • boxing
  • cycling
  • diving
  • equestrian
  • fencing
  • field hockey
  • golf
  • gymnastics
  • handball
  • sailing
  • shooting
  • swimming
  • table tennis
  • tennis
  • track and field
  • volleyball
  • water polo
  • weight lifting
  • wrestling

Of course, these sports do not just exist during the Olympics – you can set up programming and displays any time to help connect people to some books, and other resources, they may not know exists or may not think to ask for in your library. We get you started off with a few book ideas, fiction and nonfiction:

Olympics: Day Five

gray olympics concrete block
Photo by Anthony on Pexels.com

The Olympics continue! And with this huge, international gathering of incredibly talented people comes the opportunity for libraries to connect books and other cool information sources to your community members.

Whether or not you are watching the Olympics, or care about sports, or even know about all the different sports in the Olympics – there are people in your community who care a lot. Especially when you are dealing with reluctant readers of any age, or people who may not connect their interests with books, this is a great opportunity to show how relevant your collection is to the community!

So, what is happening today?

  • archery
  • badminton
  • baseball
  • basketball
  • beach volleyball
  • boxing
  • canoe/kayaking
  • cycling
  • diving
  • equestrian
  • fencing
  • field hockey
  • gymnastics
  • handball
  • judo
  • rowing
  • rugby
  • sailing
  • soccer
  • surfing
  • swimming
  • table tennis
  • tennis
  • volleyball
  • water polo
  • weight lifting

Wow – what a list! I just love looking at this, and thinking about all the people who have devoted their lives, as athletes, coaches, or viewers, working to build skills and excellence in these sports. It’s wonderful!

Browse through this list to see how you can incorporate these sporting ideas into your library’s collection and programming. This doesn’t have to happen just during the Olympics – sports are interesting all the time. And even a quick glance will show that some of your patrons are doing these sports regularly. With all of Minnesota’s wonderful lakes, it is likely you know people who are canoeing and kayaking or sailing. Weight lifting, volleyball, baseball, basketball – all of these are things your community members are watching or participating in regularly.

So, what books could you recommend? We have a few suggestions for displays and your collection:

Time for the Olympics! Opening Ceremony

gray olympics concrete block
Photo by Anthony on Pexels.com

It’s time for the Olympics! Sure, they were delayed for a year (darn pandemic!); but it’s always a huge spectacle and amazing to see the results of a lifetime of hard work and dedication by thousands of athletes.

For libraries, this can be a tool to use to help connect readers, including reluctant readers, to some books they might enjoy. While we don’t need to harangue people to take books, it is our job to help connect people to information – including book – that would be fun, entertaining, useful, or otherwise something relevant to their interests and needs. Big events, such as the Olympics, can be a good way to help us make that connection!

There are tons of things going on at the Olympics every single day – much more than you will see on TV. With apologies to NBC for bluntness: they are terrible in their broadcasting. Too much Heart String Pulling intermissions and not enough showing a wide variety of sports and athletes. If you have access to a VPN, you might want to try setting your computer’s location to Canada to watch the CBC’s coverage, to England to watch the BBC’s, or any other country to see what kinds of sports and stories they are showing. Every broadcaster will look at different things, and that can add some excitement to your viewing.

But the one thing absolutely every broadcaster of the Olympics will be showing is tonight’s Opening Ceremony. These can be solemn, inspiring, emotional, and just plan fun. If you miss everything else, check out the Opening Ceremony. It’s a way to get everyone interested and invested, and also a way for the host country to show off some of the great parts of their history and culture.

There is a time for cynicism complaining, and yes there are bad/difficult things in the Olympics. Not overlooking those things. But this is an opportunity to focus on the positive, and maybe to provide a connection to reading for some people who are not necessarily going to think of finding the best books themselves.

Who is going to be there? Well, obviously things will be different than usual – we are still having a global pandemic that is killing people, so things have to be kept as safe as they can be. But there are still going to be thousands of athletes, coaches, support people, and others.

We have seventeen athletes from Minnesota! You can find their info in this article from the Star Tribune. Add them to your calendar, so you are ready to cheer for your home state athletes! Cheer for all the Americans! Cheers for a country you have visited! Cheer for a country you never heard of before now! Cheer for countries with only a few athletes! There are so many opportunities to get excited, to share in the fun, and to feel inspired!

Check out a few books you might add to your collection, recommend to your patrons, or just enjoy for yourself!!!

Enjoying the Olympics? Check out Some South Korean Books!

I love, love, love watching the Olympics – especially the Winter Olympics!! It’s all so exciting, so many cool new things I’ve never seen and don’t know. (I’ll never understand curling – but I will watch it for hours!)

And it’s fun to learn some things about each country. Check out this article from The Guardian, by Mary Lynn Bracht with some suggested books about South Korea, and how incredibly fast-paced and dynamic this country really is.

“Historically known as the Hermit Kingdom for turning away western envoys, as well as the Land of the Morning Calm for its regal mountain ranges and tranquil valleys, South Korea has become a nation famous for its cutting-edge technology and pop-star mania, and continuously features in news headlines for its tense relations with its neighbour, North Korea. At the end of the Korean war in 1953, South Korea was one of the poorest nations in the world. Its people were starving and its cities were in ruins. Following a succession of civilian governments overtaken by military regimes and autocrats, South Korea’s Sixth Republic has finally established a liberal democracy that has seen its nation flourish. Today, many South Koreans are looking back at their nation’s past to make sense of the world they now find themselves in. The stark differences make the stories we read about this fascinating country all the more appealing.

While researching Korean history for my novel White Chrysanthemum, I was interested in both modern and historical material for the dual timelines. I came across many books that quickly became favourites – fiction and non-fiction. Each of them takes the reader into the South Korean psyche, often exploring the past and the present country. The country has a strong literary tradition, and with increasing interest in the country, translations of Korean works into other languages have given the rest of the world the chance to view it through the eyes and words of its own people.

1. Please Look After Mother by Kyung-Sook Shin (2011), translated by Chi-Young Kim
An elderly woman, visiting her family in Seoul, is separated from them on a metro platform. When the train pulls away, her family are mortified to realise she has been left behind. Shin reveals the relationships between the mother, her husband and their life in the countryside, as well as with each of her children as they all search for their missing matriarch. It reveals the lives of young and old, while asking big questions about the bonds of family and the struggles with the passage of time. It was a bestseller in South Korea and won the 2012 Man Asian literary prize.

2. The Guest by Hwang Sok-Yong (2005), translated by Kyung-Ja Chun and Maya West
Hwang’s fascinating life reads like a novel. Born in Chinese Manchuria, his family moved to South Korea at the end of the Korean war. He reluctantly fought for the US in Vietnam, and later became a writer and political activist. He was jailed twice for his political beliefs, all the while writing and publishing novels, short stories, and plays. The Guest tells the story of a preacher visiting his childhood village in North Korea, and powerfully reveals that a massacre historically attributed to American soldiers was in fact perpetrated by Korean Christians from his village.

3. The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly by Sun-Mi Hwang (2014), translated by Chi-Young Kim
A quirky book that has been compared to Animal Farm and Charlottes’s Web. It follows a hen forced to lay eggs that will never hatch because they are destined to be sold at market, but she dreams of having a chick of her own. She escapes from her pen and sets out in search of her dream. This story explores notions of freedom, motherhood, diversity and sacrifice, and has been adapted into a successful cartoon film, play, musical and comic book.

4. I Have the Right to Destroy Myself by Young-Ha Kim (2007), translated by Chi-Young Kim
This is Kim’s first novel and has been translated into 10 languages. The story follows a man who is both a would-be novelist and “suicide assistant” – a serial killer who stalks potential victims who have nothing to look forward to in life, so that he can offer to facilitate their suicide for a fee. He then writes their stories down in a manuscript he plans to submit anonymously to publishers. We meet his victims as well as those whose paths they cross. Kim’s dark yet beautifully written novel reveals a modern Seoul, full of intriguing characters often tied up in failed love affairs.

10. The Birth of Korean Cool: How One Nation is Conquering the World Through Pop Culture by Euny Hong (2014)
Born in the US to South Korean parents, Hong moved with her family to their homeland when she was 12. She grew up in Seoul’s Gangnam district and was privy to the rapid cultural and economic changes occurring in the late 80s and early 90s. Hong is a cosmopolitan writer with a sharp wit. Her book is an entertaining look at how the country has wilfully modernised to become the 15th-largest economy in the world. The Hermit Kingdom is no more.”

Read the rest of this article, and get all the book suggestions!