Tag Archives: Student Powered Conference

MidMinEDU Student-Powered Conference Mini Grant Report

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This is a guest post from Audrey Thornborrow, Tech Integrationist at Mississippi Heights Elementary School. Read more mini grant reports on our page.

In February of 2020, when the world was still spinning normally, MidMN Edu put on their 3rd annual Student Powered Conference. Nearly 200 students from area districts (Albany, Sauk Rapids-Rice, Sartell, St. Cloud). The conference was open to 4th-12th-grade students and consisted of a keynote address and breakout sessions. 

The keynote speaker this year was Sauk Rapids-Rice’s very own senior Maddie Bittman. She spoke about opportunities for everyone to get involved in STEM activities. She shared her experiences and inspired others–especially other young girls–to get involved in STEM related learning in and outside school. 

The breakout sessions were created by students. They took their passions and created a presentation sharing their passion with their peers. We saw sessions on how to play the guitar, how to make jewelry and start your own business, how to do experiments with dry ice, and global warming. These kids were so excited to share their passions and all participants enjoyed seeing their enthusiasm as they presented. 

One thing that was new this year was the addition of selfie-stations. The purpose of the selfie station was to have the kids collaboratively help make a piece of art that could be shared with all the schools in attendance. We had the kids take pictures of themselves or their groups and are putting them together in a collage that creates the Student Powered Conference logo. 

As with each year MidMN EDU has helped put on this conference, the kids MADE the conference. This conference wouldn’t exist without the students, their hard work, or their willingness to share their passions. We are so thankful to be able to provide this day to students and are so grateful to CMLE for providing us with the funds to host this conference. 

Below is an account of the day as told by a middle school student: 

This year, I was able to present at the Student Powered Conference instead of just attending it. I taught others how we code and drive Spheros at school. We created a dance to music that the Spheros followed and changed colors with. I learned a lot about coding and working as a group while we got our presentation ready. When we showed others how to use the Spheros it made me feel proud.

I learned a lot at the conference too. The Breakout Room looked like fun but I was unable to go. I really liked learning about the Care Closet that Little Falls created in their school. I think it was great to see students helping others. I liked visiting all the stations in the gym and learning about all the things students were sharing. I was bummed because I couldn’t see it all. I can’t wait to go again next year!

CMLE Mini Grant Report: Student-Powered Conference

This is a guest post from Neil Andruschak, Digital Convergence Specialist at Little Falls Community Schools. Read more reports from past mini grant recipients on our page.

A group of Central Minnesota educators (MidMN EDU) put together the 3rd annual Student Powered Conference – A MidMN EDU Event on the morning of February 7th at the Sartell Community Center.

Maddie, a Sauk Rapids-Rice High School senior, gave the opening keynote presentation. She talked about her experiences with engineering and how those experiences were powerful and have shaped the way she approaches many things. The bananas made a surprisingly good piano keyboard! Maddie did a fantastic job.

Following the keynote, there were 3 breakout sessions (with 2 rooms and poster sessions in the gym) for students to choose from. All main and poster sessions were led by student presenters. Based on feedback from the first two years, we put a bigger emphasis on poster sessions (think Science Fair but any subject/content/sharing was welcome).

We had student teams sharing about their robotics endeavors, individual students playing musical instruments, a group of students shared their experiences in school sports, and much more. The rooms and gym were busy with students sharing, leading and answering questions all morning long. It is amazing to watch students in grades 4-12 leading and learning from each other.

The first 3 years of the Student Powered Conference were a great success. Feedback has been 100% positive with over 95% of students stating that they would come back the following year. 

The requested grant funds covered Little Falls Community Schools transportation. We brought 50 people to the conference! Thank you for supporting unique, personalized learning opportunities for Central Minnesota students!

Student-Powered Conference Report: Neil Andruschak

Connections – Logan’s (LFCS student) keynote presentation

This is a guest post written by Neil Andruschak, Digital Learning Specialist at Little Falls Community Schools. Need a mini-grant to help purchase new materials or help fund a program? Apply now!

A group of central Minnesota educators (MidMN EDU) put together the 2nd annual Student Powered Conference – A MidMN EDU Event on the morning of February 6th at the Sartell Community Center.

Logan, a Little Falls Community High School student, gave the opening keynote presentation and he knocked everybody’s socks off with a great talk about “Connections” and how important student-adult connections can be at school and how those connections can change your life in positive and dramatic ways.

Following the keynote, there were 3 breakout sessions (with 4 rooms and poster sessions in the gym) for students to choose from. All main and poster sessions were led by student presenters.

Elementary Art Educator Internship – Emily’s (LFCS student) poster session

To wrap up the morning, we had a get up and get moving activity that generated a lot of laughs and fun.

Last year was a great success with middle school students as our “beta testers” and this year we have opened the conference up for students grades 4-12. The range of presenters signed up was all the way from 4th through 12th grade. In addition, we had a number of students just attending. They were not required to present. We had a great turnout and are expecting even bigger numbers next year!

The requested grant funds covered Little Falls Community Schools transportation and our share of the building rental. Thank you for supporting unique, personalized learning opportunities for Central Minnesota students!