
Have you heard? Just this afternoon, the site Unglue.it launched! Unglue.it is a crowd-sourced funding site for campaigns to license previously published works under Creative Commons to provide free e-book use for all. Together, authors and publishers (right’s holders) set a fee threshold — generally $5,000 to $25,000 — that must be hit within two to six months. Through pledges from book lovers (and book loving organizations), the book will become “unglued” when the fee threshold is reached. Due to the Creative Commons license, the book will no longer have DRM restrictions, and can be copied and shared without copyright fears. To find out more about Unglue.it and to view the five current campaigns, visit the site directly at https://unglue.it/, or go to http://tinyurl.com/6sejmzb for a detailed article about Unglue.it!