23 Mobile Thingy Doers

icon_23_100px1Have you been reviewing the progress of your fellow CMLE bloggers? Don’t know how?

Go to the main 23 Mobile Things site at http://23mobilethingsmn.org/ and look down the right frame until you see CMLE. When you click on that, you can see all of the bloggers in our region….it is a moving target, but last count it was over 80 blogs!

As you scroll down the list, you may see little badges with numbers on them. One person has completed 10 Things already, a number of others have completed 5 Things. Me thinks some of you may not have claimed your badges and just need a little reminder! And ahem, I will never expose you to the world, but some of you created a blog, but don’t have a single post there yet! What’s with that?

According to #6 of the FAQ’s on the main page….here is the badge information!

6. Are there prizes?
Yes! Participants who complete the entire course will receive a completion incentive. You must register your blog as described in Thing 1 and complete all Things by June 15, 2014. Only registered Minnesota participants are eligible for prizes.

Plus, badges! Each time you complete a group of five things (in any order), send us an email at minn23@gmail.com with your name, region and blog name and we will add a badge next to your blog on the blog list by region. If you have another place to display a badge, let us know that, too, and we will send you the badge to display. You can see the badges in the right sidebar.

Twitter                                                  Additional reminder: Tweet with us! #23ThingsMN