Upcoming Training on Historical Minneapolis Tribune

Some rights reserved by Kev_Hickey_UK
Some rights reserved by Kev_Hickey_UK

CMLE is happy to announce a face-to-face training in May for any interested library/school media staff.

Examine the functionality of the full-image collection of the Historical Minneapolis Tribune 1867-1922, as well as the tools and options it provides for all researchers. Explore selected examples of searches, topics and content associated with Minnesota, national, and world history during the dawn of the 20th century.

No charge, registration information will be coming soon.

Friday, May 9, 2014, 10 am-noon

Rasmussen College, 226 Park Avenue South, St. Cloud, MN 56301

Audience: Academic, public, and special librarians, or K-12 school media staff

Contact: Patricia Post, papost@stcloudstate.edu, 320-308-4779

Note: A big thank you to Pat Grelson, Rasmussen College for sharing her lab on the day of this training!