"MaKey MaKey" for Makerspaces

Banana keyboard
Image courtesy of MakeyMakey.com

At the recent MEMO Conference, I saw adults during an unconference discussion circle literally explode with excitement when they were talking about their “makey makey” kits and what they had done with them. It was hard to get a coherent thought out of the group for a while! Basically, they were talking about feeling alive and having fun while “smashing” electronics and everyday objects. It seems that lots of schools and libraries have been trying these kits out, and the students love it! Example: Build a piano keyboard with bananas! If you are interested in learning more about the maker movement, and makey-makey kits, check out the following links! Oh, and if you watch the Jay Silver TED Talk below (you really must), fasten your seatbelts!

Note: Makey Makey is based on research at the MIT Media Lab.