Recommended App: Subtext

Subtext iconRecently, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) came out with their 25 Best Apps for Teaching & Learning for 2014.  The apps were chosen because they foster innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration.

Subtext is one of these apps.  The app is designed to help teachers with their Common Core instruction by encouraging students to analyze their material, clearly communicate what they think, and make connections to their real life experiences.  A tip from AASL: “Teachers can assign an article to students and include the critical thinking questions directly in the passage so students will be able to connect the ideas as they read.”

Subtext is available on iOS or as a web-based app.  It’s a great value because it is free and recommended for all grades K-12.  See what educators have to say about Subtext:

For more apps, check out our 2014 Recommended App archive!