Copyright Event a Success!

copyright_SHAs attendees entered the Stearns History Museum, it was clear that the Museum had been transformed into a Winter Wonderland! Amid the sparkly lights, snowmen and evergreens, participants grabbed food and drink rations, their folders of materials, and hunkered down for a rollicking three-hour romp through the “sometimes gray” world of copyright. CMLE was pleased to offer Nancy Sims, Copyright Librarian from the University of MN as the workshop presenter. The event started with basic copyright/fair use information along with good coverage of professional liability and ethics.  Next, Nancy moved to some hands on group work to allow people to flex their newly learned fair use strategies on a number of actual copyright conundrums! The content concluded with a rich list of resources to be freely used with no worries, the “black and white” portion of the day. Watch our weekly blog posts as we highlight some of those resources.

Evaluations show the learning happened, sometimes in a big way, and lots of perks were available to those who participated in this event. Prizes and chocolate are always popular. But this year, CMLE was also able to offer a free, Creative Commons copy of Carrie Russell’s Complete Copyright for K-12 Librarians and Educators eBook to each participant.

Thank you to all attendees and Nancy Sims for a wonderful event. Stay tuned for more “Copyright Continues…” blog posts from CMLE!

Do you have ideas for other events? We invite your suggestions at