If you have been following our legislative updates, you will notice that the Minnesota Multitypes have requested a funding increase. Just as it is fun to fantasize a bit about winning the lottery, so goes it with multitype funding. The multitypes were created in Minnesota Statute in such a way that our funding stays flat until we ask for an increase. This means that sometimes our funding can stay flat for 10-15 years, which has happened in the past. Needless to say, flat funding presents special problems when the cost of doing business increases each year!
I think you will be excited to hear what CMLE might be able to do if we should get the requested funding increase.
With this funding increase, CMLE would acquire additional infrastructure/staff/expertise to do the following either regionally or more broadly, in collaboration with others. Of course, if we get less than we ask for, things will need to come off this list, so please consider it a draft! CMLE could….
- Replicate tried, true, and evaluated programs (some by other multitypes) in the CMLE region. Possible examples are Camp Read a Lot, and the MILI Information Literacy Program (scaled for Greater MN region)
- Support better access, understanding, and hands on skill sets with media specialists and teachers around ELM resources, including the new Learning Express
- Explore expansion and/or provision of eBook collections to K-12 schools
- Increase the number of professional development events and activities for library staff from all library types
- Contract with an evaluation expert to assist libraries in evaluating their efforts and crafting their stories. Then, assist libraries in telling their stories through various venues, ranging from social media to the Legislature
- Contract with a copyright expert to respond to questions from the field
- Create an online professional library collection that supports librarians needs
- Increase CMLE’s ability to capture presentations (video) and share content more broadly
- Add the ability to bus Central MN library staff to Twin Cities events like MN Book Awards, Teen Lit Con, and Library Legislative Day
Are there CMLE member services on your wish list, but not on ours? Are there things on the list that surprise you? We are always interested in your input and feedback, so send them pronto to admin@cmle.org