New ELM video project!

“Visit the new Video ELM site to hear stories from staff in Minnesota libraries, library systems, and statewide organizations like History Day highlighting the importance of ELM resources in their daily work and lives. If you’d like to submit your story, we’d love to include it on our site and share with the library community. Don’t be shy!  The more, the merrier!  Each story added helps promote ELM’s usage and awareness. Please consider being a voice for ELM. When you go to Video ELM to record a video, simply click on the large plus sign, follow the prompts, and consider these three questions in your recording.

  • What is your name?
  • Where do you work and what is your position?
  • How do you see the ELM databases used in your school, university, public library, or organization?  Or how do you see the impact of ELM databases on Minnesota residents?

If you don’t make a recording, don’t worry.  Just enjoy the videos and share!  Participate today!”