AASL Recommended App: STEM: Map of Life

map_of_life_0In June 2016, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) announced their 25 Best Apps for Teaching and Learning. The apps encourage qualities such as innovation and active participation, and are user-friendly.

The app Map of Life allows users to discover, identify, and record biodiversity from all over the world. Students are able to contribute to the map by recording sightings. The app features many different categories of species, including trees, mammals, birds, fish, and more. Users can learn about characteristics and habitats, with the goal to help worldwide conservation efforts. This app would be a good addition to a science field trip, in order to record and identify plants and animals.

Cost: Free
Level: Middle and High School
Platforms: iOS and Android

Read about this teacher’s experience using the app in her classroom, then watch this short video from the Florida Museum of Natural History  that describes how to use and learn from the app: