CMLE members, and other devoted readers, we want you!!
We want your ideas! We want your experiences! We want to know what is going on in your corner of the library world!!
As part of our commitment to reach out to members across the system, to connect everyone together, and to help all our members to be successful, Guest Blogging is already playing a role in sharing information. As library people, we all benefit from sharing information.
So, let’s have it!!
You are the expert in your area. You have valuable information to share. You may have a great, inspiring, and heartwarming story of patron services that will bring a tear to the eye of everyone who reads it. You may have a story of funding gone so wrong that we shudder in our nightmares just thinking about it.
More realistically – you probably have an interesting service. Or a new piece of art. Or some thoughts about a new database or encyclopedia.
We want to hear it! Your colleagues also want to hear it! So make your voice heard!!
Email us at CMLE Headquarters, and we will send you some guidelines on creating a Guest Blog. Or, just go nuts, bang away at the keyboard for a few minutes, and proudly send us the results!!
(Can you tell this is not a high-stress activity?? It’s really not.)
Questions? Thoughts? Want to just share an idea and get us to do the heavy lifting of writing it up? Any of these are possible!
Get on this today!!! We want to hear from you – and are sitting by the computer, excitedly waiting for you 🙂