Interested in supervisory training? Share your ideas!

CMLE libraries: We are passing on this survey you could fill out for the ALA. This committee is looking for your ideas on the kinds of activities they could set up to help everyone develop their supervisory skills.

This is an important topic, and we can all use more training in this to make our libraries, and our profession, even stronger!

As a committee of the Learning Round Table, our mission is to coordinate professional development activities around the topic of supervisory training. Our vision is for every library to have well-trained supervisors.

We are seeking your feedback on training topics:

  • What do the supervisors you work with need the most?
  • Do they need the basics, or do they need more advanced training?
  • What can we do as a committee to help you develop the supervisors you work with?

The results of this survey will be used to plan online and in-person training for supervisors. Completing this survey will take approximately 5 minutes. The survey will close on Wednesday, January 18th.
Survey link:

Your input will be invaluable.

Thanks for your help!
Katherine Adelberg, Supervisor Success Symposium Committee Chair