Share your ideas on academic shared spaces

From listserve:

Learning Commons, Knowledge Hubs, Information Commons, and myriad of other names have been associated with the evolving functionality and mission of academic libraries over the past 30 years. This evolution has been both the result of libraries administering a broader range of services, new programs, departments, and initiatives moving into the library’s physical space.

In an effort to learn more about shared spaces within academic libraries, Sasaki invites you to participate in this 31 question survey.

Click here to participate in the survey! 

We seek to better understand what additions have come into the library and what impact they are having on the library’s spatial needs and staff dynamics. Building upon Sasaki’s Academic Librarian Spaces 2015 survey, we hope to further the conversation about the changing spaces within academic libraries. Focusing on “New Neighbors,” an area discussed in the report (pages 22-27).

The survey will close on Friday, April 14th, 2017, and the results will be shared with this list early this summer.

Thank you for your time and participation!

The Sasaki Team

Bryan Irwin, Principal

Lan Ying Ip, Principal