MALF Invites Applications For Two Major ‘Friends’ Awards

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“The Minnesota Association of Library Friends invites your applications for the 2017 cycles of our two most popular Friends of the Library awards.

First up is our flagship prize, the Evy Nordley Award for Best Project.

Minnesota libraries treasure Friends of the Library groups not only for the financial support they provide, but for the original ideas and innovative projects they generate on behalf of the library and its goals. MALF recognizes this fact each year with the Evy Nordley program.

Any Friends-supported project is eligible, provided project implementation began after January 1 of the preceding year (in this case, January 1, 2016). Examples include print publications, programming events, membership drives, fundraising campaigns, and website or digital initiatives. Top prize is $1,000 and a custom plaque. Select runners-up will also receive monetary prizes.

Entry submission is free, but participation requires a current MALF membership. (Contestants unaffiliated with MALF are welcome to submit membership application and annual dues along with their Evy Nordley entry materials.) Apply by Friday, June 16. Visit our website for details.

MALF also encourages your applications for the second annual ‘Stand Up for Standout Friends’ initiative.

Last fall, during our program kick-off, we collaborated with sixteen Friends groups across the state to honor exemplary volunteers and their varied local accomplishments. Given this strong turnout in the inaugural year, we’re bringing ‘Stand Up’ back in 2017!

Between now and Friday, August 11each member Friends group is invited to put forward the name of one individual for this special honor, in thanks for ‘standout’ efforts in furtherance of their work and mission. All will receive an award diploma, public commendation, and other honoree perks. (Recipient honors are detailed at

What constitutes standout work? In short, it is up to you! Some may wish to acknowledge a current or former board member or other executive for their contributions in a leadership role. Others may choose to honor a Friend who has been with their organization since the beginning. You are also welcome to bestow the honorific based on number of hours volunteered, amount of money raised, or any mix of these and other factors. Again, please visit our website for details.”