Day Fifty Three of the CMLE Summer Fun Library Tour!

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Have you read papers that you wanted to annotate? Or would you like to get the ideas from a community of readers who are reading the same thing you are?

Technology brings you this power!

Fermat’s Library

“Fermat’s Library is a platform for illuminating academic papers. Just as Pierre de Fermat scribbled his famous last theorem in the margins, professional scientists, academics and citizen scientists can annotate equations, figures and ideas and also write in the margins. Every week we send you a new paper annotated by the community.

Here are a few of their papers:

  • The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge
    • Abraham Flexner – 14 comments
  • Ethereum: A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform
    • Vitalik Buterin – 14 comments
  • Proof Without Words: Pythagorean Runs
    • Michael Boardman – 6 comments
  • Eliminating the Penny from the U.S. coinage system: An economic analysis
    • Raymond E. Lombra – 8 comments
  • On Being Smart
    • Nabil H. Mustafa – 12 comments
  • Electronic Lottery Tickets as Micropayments
    • Ronald L Rivest – 7 comments
  • On the series of prime reciprocals
    • James A. Clarkson – 4 comments