Let’s Get Together! Let’s Have Tea!

TeacupsMadTeaParty wb

You know we miss our members when we don’t see you. We  also want to be sure we are building a real library community across our system – so we want to have opportunities for everyone to get to know each other.

We are hosting another social event for members to attend, so we can have fun and chat about library stuff. (We can chat about all kinds of other fun stuff, of course!) This time we will be meeting for tea! Yes, tea is a traditional icon of the library profession (tea, cats, cardigans – all the best stuff); and we build on that here with a high tea.

We will meet at the Mad Hatter Restaurant, in Anoka: Sunday, May 6 at 10:30. For this event, we are planning on the Queen of Hearts tea service. As this is going to be a little pricey, we are also offering “scholarships” to people who RSVP to us by Friday, April 27. We will cover the cost of your Queen of Hearts tea service if you respond below. (We need to make reservations!)

We want to meet in different places, so we can try out new things, and we can be closer to different members at different times. This is a bit of a drive, but we have set this up so you have time to go down to the Cities, if you want, after we are done. Plan on being here about an hour and a half, possibly longer if you wish.

We look forward to seeing everyone, to talking about libraries, to hearing about summer plans, and all the great things that can happen when a bunch of CMLE members get together!

This is NOT our event: but if the idea of a fun British tea sounds great to you – they are also hosting a special event for the big Royal Wedding, and you can attend that! (Tell us all about it if you go!!)

Friday, May 18th 6:00pm – 8:30pm $35 per guest

Join us for a Royal cocktail party to celebrate Prince Harry & Meghan’s wedding! We will have a lavish buffet of appetizers and a cash bar (beer, wine & bubbly) We will of course be serving our popular Royal Wedding Tea as well. Come dressed in your most fabulous & dapper fashions!

This is a social interactive party. We will seat family style, but encourage everyone to mingle around the estate and chat with other guests.”

Are you joining us Sunday May 6 at 10:30? (Please be reasonably sure you can go to say yes!)