CMLE’s mission is to provide support, connections, and resources to our members: library people! But life can be crazy busy and we want to share information with you as easily as possible.
That’s where social media comes in! You can also subscribe to our newsletter which comes to your inbox every Friday.
We are most active on Twitter.
We’re also on Facebook
And Instagram
And Patreon, where you can support our podcasts:
- Linking Our Libraries (library skills and training)
- Reading With Libraries (Reader’s Advisory and book group)
Don’t forget about Goodreads (of course!!) where we have our Armchair Travel to MN State Parks Reading Group.
Plus, our YouTube channel!
Finally, this isn’t exactly social media, but if you are looking for library skills training and clock hour credits, we offer online classes through Podia. These are FREE and we encourage you to sign up!
We love connecting with you, so find us online and stay up-to-date with all we have to offer!