All posts by Admin

Episode 411: Resource Management

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Welcome back to Linking Our Libraries! This week we are going to talk about managing resources. If your people don’t have the things they need to get their jobs done, your leadership skills could use some sharpening!

It seems pretty obvious when you think about: you and your organization need money and stuff to accomplish your mission. But it can be really easy to assume this is someone else’s job, or to assume that things just appear in front of you – maybe by magic!


The reality is simpler, and maybe less romantic: as a leader it is your job to get things done, and that means you need to be sure everyone has what they need. You need to find the money and the facilities and any supplies to make everything happen.

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Book Bites: A Darker Shade of Magic

Book Bites are quick, five minute looks at a book from readers. Try a new book this week!

Today’s book is from Angie: A Darker Shade of Magic, by V. E. Schwab

Want to be a full book group member? Join us on Patreon! For as little as $1 a month, you can support the podcast as well as helping to keep Official Office Dog, Lady Grey, in treats.
We also have new episodes of our leadership podcast: Linking Our Libraries dropping every Thursday morning; subscribe to get it in your app, or stream it on our website.

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Check out this episode!

Book Bites: Deep River

Book Bites are quick, five minute looks at a book from readers. Try a new book this week!

Today’s book is from Lydia: Deep River, by Shusaku Endo. 

Want to be a full book group member? Join us on Patreon! For as little as $1 a month, you can support the podcast as well as helping to keep Official Office Dog, Lady Grey, in treats.
We also have new episodes of our leadership podcast: Linking Our Libraries dropping every Thursday morning; subscribe to get it in your app, or stream it on our website.

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Episode 410 Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm can be easily overlooked as a significant leadership competency. As long as you have a mission, a strategic plan, and a staff – do you need anything else? Well, yes. Yes, you do. Any leader can immediately tell you the difference between a staff or a group that is only reluctantly going along with you to accomplish goals, and one that is excited to make things happen.

Leaders are not the only cause of a good workplace, but a leader with enthusiasm for the library, for the mission, for the staff, and for the patrons, can make a positive difference in it all.

 What do we mean by enthusiasm? It does not have to be overly syrupy, saccharine-sweet cheerleading. That can get old, fast. Instead we mean optimism, positive emotional connection to whatever you are working on in your library.

Check out our full shownotes page here!

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