All posts by admincmle

The Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange (CMLE) is one of seven regional multitype library systems established to meet the needs of and share the resources of all types of libraries. We love libraries, and are here to support them!

MN Library Legislative Update

Capital SunsetThe following legislative update was written by Elaine Keefe, library lobbyist for the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) and Information Technology Educators of MN (ITEM).

Received Monday, March 23, 2015 at 12:04 pm

House Legacy Hearing Today at 12:30pm:  Today Ann Hutton and Melinda Ludwiczak will present our request for Legacy funding for the regional public library systems to be increased to $4.25 million per year.  Please note that the time of the hearing is 12:30pm rather than the usual 12:45pm start time.  The hearing is in the Basement Hearing Room of the State Office Building.

Regional Public Library and Multi-type Funding Bill:  SF 832, our bill increasing Regional Library Basic System Support (RLBSS) by $5 million per year and increasing funding for the Multi-types by $1.3 million per year was heard this morning in the Senate E-12 Budget Division.  The bill was added to this morning’s agenda on Friday afternoon, so we had to scramble to line up witnesses and provide handouts to the committee staff by the close of business on Friday.  Barb Misselt testified on the RLBSS increase and Ann Walker Smalley testified on the multitype increase.  Many thanks to both of them for agreeing to testify on such short notice. The bill was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus E-12 budget bill.

RLBSS Formula Change Bill:  SF 1675, the bill changing the RLBSS distribution formula and increasing RLBSS by $5 million per year, was also heard this morning in the Senate E-12 Budget Division.  Ann Hutton testified in support of the bill.  It was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus E-12 budget bill.

Omnibus Education Policy Bill (HF 1591/SF 1495): The House Education Innovation Policy Committee passed its version of the omnibus education policy bill on Thursday and referred it to the House Education Finance Committee, where it is scheduled to be heard tomorrow.  The Senate Education Committee passed its version of the omnibus education policy bill on Friday.  The bill includes the language from SF 337 conforming Minnesota law to federal law on the privacy of student educational records.  This was initiated by the St. Paul Schools to enable them to share student addresses with the St. Paul Public Library for the purpose of issuing public library cards to students.

Seed Library: The House omnibus agriculture policy bill, HF 1544, includes a provision exempting “interpersonal sharing of seed for home, educational, charitable or personal non-commercial use” from seed laws.  This will allow the Duluth Public Library to continue to operate its seed library.  The bill passed out of the House Agriculture Policy Committee last week. The Senate version of the bill will be taken up in committee this week.  It is expected to contain a similar provision.

Elaine Keefe
Capitol Hill Associates
525 Park Street, Suite 310
St. Paul, MN 55103
(cell) 612-590-1244

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Please Complete the CMLE Needs Assessment

Q is for Question MarkIs your library or school a CMLE member? There is an easy way to find out….

  1. Are you a  staff member of a college, public, or  special library in one of the 12 counties in bullet 3 below?
  2. Or, are you school library media personnel including tech integrationists and media paraprofessionals?
  3. If you answered yes to 1 or 2, and you are employed in Aitkin, Benton, Chisago, Isanti, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Pine, Sherburne, Stearns, Todd or Wright counties, you are a CMLE member!

Check your email inbox.  You should have received an email from CMLE on 3/16, 3/23, or 3/31/15 which included a link to the Needs Assessment.  For all who participate, there will be four chances to win a $25 Amazon gift card. Didn’t receive an email? Email us!

Deadline: Please complete the survey by Monday, April 6th.

Image credit:, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0


Minnesota Digital Library-What’s New?

SCSU Library Dean Mark Vargas invites you to attend this free event in March!

MDLTopic:            Minnesota Digital Library- What’s New?

Presenter:    Molly Huber, Outreach Coordinator of the MDL

Date:               Friday, March 20, 2015,  from 11 am to noon

Place:             SCSU Library, Miller Center 122 (Auditorium)


Molly writes…..

How well do you know the Minnesota Digital Library (MDL)? Whether you are just discovering the project or have been a part of it since the beginning, there are many new things to learn about the MDL; what we have been doing, and how we can help you and the audiences you serve. MDL Outreach Coordinator Molly Huber will talk about the MDL and what changes have happened in the past two years, since we became a founding service hub of the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). MDL’s work with the DPLA has opened up many new opportunities for us and the organizations we work with. We have new collections, new contributors, and new initiatives. Learn more, and see how you can be a part of it!

Driving directions to campus

SCSU Library
108 James W. Miller Learning Resources Center
Saint Cloud State University
720 Fourth Avenue South
Saint Cloud, Minnesota 56301-4498




MN Library Legislative Update

Capital SunsetThe following legislative update was written by Elaine Keefe, library lobbyist for the Minnesota Library Association (MLA) and Information Technology Educators of MN (ITEM).

Received Sunday, March 8, 2015 at 3:16 pm

Library Legislative Day:  Thank you to everyone who turned out for Library Legislative Day last week in spite of the snowstorm.  The feedback from meetings that attendees had with their legislators was very positive.

Seed Library:  SF 949, a bill providing an exemption from current seed regulations so that the Duluth Public Library can continue to operate its seed library was heard on Wednesday, March 4 in the Senate Jobs, Agriculture and Rural Development Committee.  Carla Powers, director of the Duluth Public Library, testified in favor of the bill.  Minnesota Department of Agriculture supports the bill.  It  was laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus agriculture policy bill.

Data Privacy:  SF 337, a bill to conform Minnesota’s data privacy law regarding student records to recent changes in the Federal Educational Records Privacy Act (FERPA) passed the Senate on Thursday by a vote of 62-0.   The bill was initiated by the St. Paul Public Schools to enable them to share student addresses with the St. Paul Public Library so that every student can be issued a library card at school.  Without this legislation, the school district could only share student addresses with the public library if the district classified the addresses as public information.  The House companion, HF 424, was passed by the House Education Innovation Policy Committee and was re-referred to the House Civil Law and Data Practices Committee.

School Technology Hearing:  On Wednesday, March 11 the House Education Finance Committee will hear a presentation on school technology organized by the Minnesota School Boards Association, similar to the one heard by the Senate E-12 Budget Division on January 20.  Three bills are also listed on the agenda to be heard on an informational basis.  All three are authored by Rep. Drew Christensen:

 HF 838 increases funding for Telecommunications Equity Aid (TEA) by $6 million per year.  Note: This committee has already hear HF 583, which increases funding for both TEA and Regional Library Telecommunications Aid (RLTA).

HF 856 establishes special technology revenue, which can be used for the purchase or lease of telecommunications equipment, computers and related hardware and software, assistive technology and new and replacement library media resources or technology.
HF 854 increases total operating capital revenue and reserves the increase for the same purposes listed in HF 856 (see above) as well as for the purchase of electronic textbooks.

Elaine Keefe
Capitol Hill Associates
525 Park Street, Suite 310
St. Paul, MN 55103
(cell) 612-590-1244

MN State Library Services Updates

MDE logo retrieved online 12/17/13..

TO: Minnesota Libraries
FROM: State Library Services
DATE: March 5, 2015
SUBJECT: Updates from State Library Services
Community Literacy Initiatives and Partnerships Webinar
Minnesota Reading Corps and Minnesota Math Corps (MRC/MMC) are helping more than 30,000 students in over 700 Minnesota schools succeed in reading and math. Join Anne Demotts (MRC/MMC Outreach Coordinator), Barb McKenzie (Hennepin County Library Volunteer and Internship Coordinator), and a Minnesota Reading Corps Master Coach for a webinar on Thursday, April 2, 2015 from 1-2 pm to learn more about how connecting with MRC and MMC can benefit your library and your community. Pre-register here. Please contact Jennifer Verbrugge at with questions or to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in this event. Note: MDE requires a two-week advance notice in order to provide the requested accommodation and requires a 48-hour notice in order to cancel a requested accommodation.
Libraries Serving Youth Meetup
Registration is still open for State Library Services’ first ever Libraries Serving Youth Meetup. It’s a chance for school and public library staff to meet, network and share ideas. Learn about successful public library and school collaborations, get creative ideas and enjoy a free working lunch. Scheduled presenters from across the state include Brianna Belanger, Mike Evavold, Chad Lubbers, Ellen Morehouse, Donna Ohlgren, Nina Shimmin, and Erin Smith.
The Meetup will be Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Minnesota Department of Education in Roseville. Space is limited, so register early. There is no charge for the event. A certificate of attendance for CEUs will be available. For more information, please contact Jennifer Verbrugge at or 651-582-8356.

90-Second Newbery Film Festival – That’s a Wrap!
The first-ever Minnesota 90-Second Newbery Film Festival screening played to a full house on February 28 at Hennepin County Library – Minneapolis Central’s Pohlad Hall. 90-Second Newbery founder James Kennedy and his co-host, Minneapolis author Kelly Barnhill, lit up the stage with song, dance and comedy amidst showing movies written, directed, acted, filmed and edited by kid filmmakers. Each film tells the entire story of Newbery-winning books in 90 seconds or less. Click here to watch the many creative films submitted by Minnesota K-12 students.

If you’re inspired by the movies from this year’s festival, find out how you can participate on the 90-Second Newbery website. Now’s the time to start talking with your students and community partners about entries for next year. It’s a great project to promote media and digital literacy for kids in a creative, collaborative setting. If you started a movie but missed the entry deadline for this year’s festival screening, don’t give up. Finish your masterpiece and send it in. Mr. Kennedy accepts 90-Second Newbery films all year round. For more information, please contact Jennifer Verbrugge at or 651-582-8356.

Seeking Sponsors for 2015 Summer Food Service Program
Many Minnesota families rely on the free or reduced-price meals their children get at school. When school is out, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) bridges the “nutrition gap.” The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) is looking for organizations to sponsor the 2015 SFSP and provide free meals to Minnesota children 18 and under during the summer when school is out. There are many underserved areas in need of a sponsor to operate a summer feeding site, especially in greater Minnesota. Sponsors receive training, technical assistance and reimbursement for providing meals to children 18 and under in areas of economic need. Read the news release for additional information. To view a webinar about how public libraries can participate, visit MDE’s WebEx site, then click on “Recorded Sessions” to view “Libraries Can Help Feed Children This Summer.”

Library Construction Grants
An appropriation to the 2014 Library Construction Grant program provided $2,000,000 for library construction and renovation projects. One-to-one matching grants help build libraries that meet high standards of accessibility and energy efficiency. Three projects were earmarked to receive funds, with the remaining funds awarded through a competitive process. As of March 2, 2015, grant agreements have been executed for the following projects:

City of Jackson
This expansion and renovation project will add 1,500 square feet and install new windows, a new entrance, new information desk, expanded meeting space and an accessible parking, among other improvements. Grant funds appropriated: $570,000

City of Perham
An exterior wall reconstruction project will mitigate mold and restore a safe and healthy environment to the library. The work will also prevent future contamination and damage to the building. Grant funds appropriated: $257,000

Ramsey County Library (White Bear Lake)
An expanded and remodeled library will offer enhanced areas for children and teens, more public computers, an improved community room and spaces for individual and group study. Renovations to the parking lot will result in more available parking and improved traffic flow. Grant funds awarded: $200,000

City of Waseca
A redesign and renovation of the library’s layout will result in improvements to the entryway, restroom and meeting rooms to increase the accessibility, functionality and attractiveness of the building. A close working relationship with the Independent Counseling and Advocacy Network will ensure the needs of patrons with all types of disabilities are reflected in the renovation. Grant funds awarded: $75,000

Tri-state ILEAD Team Taking on E-Content Training
During last year’s Explore eBooks MN events, staff from Minnesota’s libraries identified “providing ongoing training and support” as a top priority for enhancing user experiences with e-books. Representatives from Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota will participate in Innovative Librarians Explore, Apply and Discover (ILEAD), hosted by the North Dakota State Library March-October 2015. The team’s project is Supporting Electronic Service Delivery Models, which will address the critical need of libraries to support users, patrons and customers in using e-content. Team members Daniel Burniston (University of South Dakota Libraries), Emily Kissane (State Library Services), Stephanie Langer (Kitchigami Regional Library System), and Al Peterson (North Dakota State Library) will develop strategies for professional development that improve services to library e-content users.
The ILEAD initiative receives funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) through a grant administered by the Illinois State Library. The North Dakota State Library is contributing travel and additional expenses, and managing all the logistics and instruction for ILEAD USA in North Dakota. State Library Services is grateful for the opportunity to participate in this innovative program. If you have questions, please contact Emily Kissane at or 651-582-8508.


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This service is provided to you at no charge by Minnesota Department of Education 1500 Highway 36 West, Roseville, Minnesota 55113 – 651.582.8200.
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