TO: Minnesota Libraries
FROM: State Library Services
DATE: March 24, 2016
SUBJECT: Updates from State Library Services
Learn More about Our Current LSTA Grant Opportunities
To learn more about our two current LSTA grant opportunities, please attend an upcoming grant guidance webinar–Thursday, March 31, 2016, 1:30-2:30 p.m. or Tuesday, April 12, 2016, 4:00-5:00 p.m. There is no need to pre-register; just click on the link for the webinar you’d like to attend. Grant applications and instructions are available on the Minnesota Department of Education’s Grants Management site. Visit the LSTA webpage, view the 2016 grant opportunities timeline or contact Jackie Blagsvedt (651-582-8805) for more information.
Register Today for the Libraries Serving Youth Meetup
Join dozens of colleagues at this annual opportunity for school and public librarians to meet, network and share ideas in a casual, yet educational setting. We’ll meet at MDE in Roseville on Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Get creative ideas, connect with like-minded professionals about issues important to you, and learn about diversity in children’s literature from Cathy Camper—author of the critically-acclaimed and fan-favorite graphic novel, Lowriders in Space. At the Meetup, you’ll also get a sneak peek at Lowriders to the Center of the Earth, scheduled to hit bookstore and library shelves on July 5, 2016. Lunch is provided so register today to ensure you’ll be fed. For more information, please contact Jen Verbrugge (651-582-8356).
Attend Regional Meetings to Strengthen Adult Learning Communities
The reauthorization of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act creates a great opportunity for libraries, adult basic education and workforce organizations to work together to build a stronger, more highly skilled workforce. Better Together: Strengthening Adult Learning Opportunities is an educational and networking event designed to foster local partnerships between all three types of organizations to achieve this goal.
At each session, you’ll hear promising practices for collaboration across organizations and learn about free resources that promote digital literacy and workforce skills. You’ll also have a chance to work with your local partners to develop a collaborative project. Register today for the workshop nearest you:
April 29, 2016 – Roseville at Minnesota Department of Education
May 9, 2016 – Mankato at Country Inn and Suites
May 16, 2016 – Grand Rapids at Saw Mill Inn
To help participants put their ideas for collaboration into action, we are able to offer a competitive grant opportunity that offers up to ten grants with a maximum award of $5,000/applicant. Proposed projects must be designed to increase collaboration between the three partners and improve adult literacy and/or workforce outcomes, especially in the area of digital literacy. At least one partner must attend a Better Together workshop and proposed projects must show promise for sustainability. More information, including an application, will be available at Better Together sessions.
For more information, to request an accommodation, or to be included on a mailing list for future announcements, please contact Emily Kissane (651-582-8508).
In This World, Nothing Can Be Said To Be Certain…
… except death and taxes…and the Annual Public Library Report. (Apologies to Benjamin Franklin!) By law, all of Minnesota’s public libraries submit an annual report to the Minnesota Department of Education. Directors and filers have been faithfully collecting last year’s statistics and plugging the data into the state’s online survey to meet the April 1 deadline. Thank you to the 62 of our 141 public libraries who have submitted their reports as of March 22. State Library Services greatly appreciates the time and expertise of everyone who ensures that the annual gathering of data is accurate and on-time. If you have questions about the annual report, please contact Joe Manion (651-582-8640).