Tag Archives: Char Booth

Lake Superior Libraries Symposium 2015

logoweb2Registration for the fourth annual Lake Superior Libraries Symposium is now open! LSLS15, “Sharing Our Stories,” will be held on Friday, June 5, 2015 at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Library staff, administrators, trustees, and students from the Upper Midwest and beyond are invited to attend and participate. Register today!

For just $49, you’ll experience:

• Keynote by Char Booth, Director of Research, Teaching, and Learning Services at the Claremont Colleges Library, and a faculty member of the ACRL Information Literacy Immersion Institute
16 inspiring presentations on learning from our successes and failures, and crafting stories to demonstrate our impact and advocate for change
• Lightning round and networking time
• A Deluxe Taco Bar, featuring two types of salsa: midwestern and mild(er)
• A Thursday evening pre-conference social event featuring library pub trivia at Bowery Brothers Pub
• A Friday evening post-conference social event hosted by At Sara’s Table Chester Creek Cafe

For an additional registration fee ($25 for Minnesota Library Association members/$30 for non-members), attendees can participate in an optional pre-conference workshop on student learning assessment facilitated by Char Booth on Thursday, June 4 from noon-4pm. Registration is limited to fifty participants and lunch is included. This workshop is sponsored by the Minnesota Library Association and Minnesota Library Association Instruction Roundtable. Find more information and register here: http://lakesuperiorlibrariessymposium.com/lsls15-pre-conference-workshop/

Our conference is located in beautiful Duluth, the gateway to the North Shore of Lake Superior. The region features world class breweries, restaurants, and outdoor activities.

A block of rooms is reserved for LSLS15 at the Radisson HarborView Hotel in Duluth at a special rate of $85 per night. Call 218-727-8981 and ask for the Lake Superior Libraries Symposium room block. Please make reservations before May 15th.

Have more questions? Contact us: http://lakesuperiorlibrariessymposium.com/contact/

The Lake Superior Libraries Symposium is a conference developed by library staff members from Northwestern Wisconsin and Northeastern Minnesota. The Symposium was created to promote resource sharing and communication between organizations and to help librarians develop enhanced professional networks. Our continued operations are thanks to the in-kind and monetary contributions of our supporters.

Wikipedia for research instruction

Pencil tips“DON’T USE WIKIPEDIA IN YOUR PAPER!” We’ve all preached this to our students, parents, relatives, and anyone else who will listen. Especially when writing research papers and scholarly works. But what about using Wikipedia, to teach those very same skills?

Char Booth, librarian at the Claremont Colleges Library, did just that. She worked with colleagues, and faculty, to develop course work that had students creating content on Wikipedia. On her blog, Booth says, “The articles… were painstakingly crafted through multiple rounds of feedback in the most intensive and effective information literacy assignment I have ever had a hand in designing.” By writing Wikipedia articles themselves, students had to fight (or write) against those very same reasons we all use for NOT using Wikipedia. Booth continues: “The power of this process is the mind-bending leaps students must master to do it well, including “neutral” and non-argumentative writing, rigorous and impartial substantiation, coding, OA sourcing where and whenever possible, and group content creation.”

For more on the program, view the course page, or an article about it from the L.A. Times.

Image credit: http://tinyurl.com/lrnsr9j, licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0