What happens when educators in a state can be part of a larger conversation about education? From NewsOK.com the benefits seem to only be positive. In an effort to tie together education-related posts, two superintendents started using the #OklaEd hashtag on Twitter. Soon after, during a breakout session at a local EdCamp, the idea of a weekly chat caught on. Now held every Sunday evening, the Twitter chat “has allowed educators to collaborate and share information in real time.” Kimberly Blodgett, a 5th grade Oklahoma teacher, said “it’s great every Sunday evening to watch everyone share their ideas back and forth. It’s inspiring to me. It makes you excited about what you do.” Read the whole article now!
Locally we’ve got Twitter chats of our own! ITEM holds them using the #mnitem hashtag. Their next one is on Tuesday, September 15 at 7pm CST. So login and lurk or jump in and participate!