Tag Archives: spotlight

23 Mobile Things Spotlight – Thing 14 Videos

icon_23_100px1In a recent post, we saw that the CMLE region has 86 people participating in the 23 Mobile Things program. With that many people doing 23 things it would make for a staggering 1978 blog posts to read! In an effort to reduce some of the reading, the CMLE office will be shining a spotlight on some of the posts that deserve to be noticed.

This week’s focus is on Videos, Thing 14 in the program.

Two CMLE region participants found some great library uses for their video apps. Media Specialist Duane Hawkinson on his aptly named “23 Mobile Things” blog, looked at a few video apps. He finally found that “[Magisto] creates some very interesting effects with its stylized editing and music–which should appeal to students”. His videos are a fun example of what’s possible when creating a book promotion video using Magisto.

On her “Library Connections” blog, public librarian Sarah Hawkins found a video app not featured on the 23 Mobile Thing website. In her Thing 14 blog post, she talks about her struggles creating a Summer Reading Program (SRP) video. Luckily, she found the Samsung Video Editor (Android devices only) and concluded, “I definitely will be using Samsung Video Editor for my SRP video this year!”

For other great video ideas, or for any of the things, check out the other CMLE participant’s blogs from this page: http://23mobilethingsmn.org/cmle/

For those that are in the program, we encourage you to continue blogging, tweeting, and posting about your experiences. If you’re struggling for motivation, feel free to skip around. Find that mobile thing that motivates you. Remember the end date to complete all 23 Mobile Things is June 15th. If learning more about mobile devices isn’t enough, we remind you that registered Minnesota participants are eligible for prizes! Keep up the great work.

Tip: See what people are saying on Twitter about 23 Mobile Things by following the hashtag #23ThingsMN  and join the conversation!