E-Books Programming

Last Friday, I attended a virtual conference  called eBooks: Benefits, Challenges, and the Future.  The event was produced by Seflin, one of the multitype organizations  in Florida. The programming was just excellent and included big names like: Stephen Abram (Gale-Cengage Learning), Chad Mairn (Novare Library Services), Nik Osborne, J.D. (Indiana University), Jamie LaRue (Douglas County Libraries, CO), and Sue Polanka (Wright State University). If you don’t follow these people online, you should consider doing so. These people are doing the deep thinking and hard questioning about the current and  future state of e-books. What I appreciated most about the content was that it was a good mix of big picture thinking along with the down and dirty details of file formats, devices, and contract details too. We need it all!

I am hearing of interest in the Central MN region for programming around e-books, which we would like to provide in early winter. The challenge of such programming is finding the proper balance to meet the greatest need. Watch for more details and be prepared to respond to questions about your ebook needs.

As society conditions us to respond to the eight second sound bites, how do we slow ourselves down enough to still do the necessary deep thinking? Are we truly being reflective in our practice? I don’t know about you, but I am working on it, one day at a time!