Workshops to Create a Virtual Learning Commons

Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, MEMO President offers this opportunity to all interested parties…. Dhaivyd writes,

“I will be conducting a series of three free workshops that will enable you to experiment with and create a VLC for your school. And, you will have something to showcase for Digital Learning Day in Feb. The  three  ninety minutes sessions will be Jan. 14, 21, and Feb. 4th at five pm Pacific/eight pm eastern on each of the Monday evenings.

Objective: To create a collaborative virtual learning commons that replaces the school library website. The site will contain five major  virtual rooms:

  • The Information Center,
  • The Literacy Center,
  • the Knowledge Building Center,
  • The Experimental Learning Center, and
  • School Culture.

We will focus on using Google Sites as the construction tool, but other software can be used. Participants will  construct either a sandbox prototype or a real VLC for their school. Opportunities to collaborate across participants will be the focus.

To sign up, just send an email to me at:

And, I would appreciate it if you would announce this across whatever state networks you have access to.

The website for the series is building at:

Please join us.”