This post was written by the State Library Services (9/20/13, 11:15 am)
Preparing for the Affordable Care Act
In a new partnership with the Minnesota Department of Commerce, State Library Services is pleased to announce Affordable Care Act training sessions for library staff. The Department of Commerce recognizes the central role that libraries play in helping to connect Minnesotans to essential information, and wants to make sure that all Minnesotans understand their rights and options under the Affordable Care Act. State Library Services’ goal is to ensure that library staff are prepared to help library patrons navigate the new healthcare insurance landscape.
Designed as train-the-trainer sessions, the training will be offered via conference calls and include ample time for questions and answers. The training will help prepare library staff to work with patrons who are shopping for health insurance through MNsure or the private market. Alyssa Von Ruden who is a Health Policy Advisor at the Minnesota Department of Commerce will lead the sessions. Alyssa is an expert in the Affordable Care Act as it relates to insurance change in Minnesota.
Sessions will be held on Thursday, September 26 (10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.) and Monday, September 30 (3p.m. – 4p.m.). To participate, call 1-888-742-5095; when prompted, enter the Conference Code: 787 494 7876. To support library staff over the longer term, State Library Services will be scheduling monthly conference calls with the Department of Commerce that will give library staff a chance to get up-to-date information to address emerging issues.
Upcoming sessions will be announced through State Library Services’ listserv. If you have questions about this training opportunity or would like to to sign up for State Library Services’ listserv please contact Jennifer Nelson at 651-582-8791 or