Aha, we are getting close to the end of a calendar year, and the flurry of lists begin, which is always popular! And book lists rank supreme with our readers!
Library Journal’s review editors are now sharing their Top Ten List, and as you read their blog post you feel their pain. They briefly chronicle their struggles in just choosing ten titles. They lament a bit about the “ones that got away” too, simply because other books grabbed them with more intensity. I like that image….
Some of us read for plot, others for character development (that’s me), and yet others for flowery language (not me) among other things, so it is possible you will love a title on the discard list too! Take a look at their More of the Best List too!
Tip: If you read one of these books and would like to submit your short review to our offices, we can include it in our Featured Book blog posts. Thanks!