Upcoming Library Training and Grant OpportunitiesProquest Digital Historical Minneapolis Tribune (1867-1922) WebinarsThe Historical Minneapolis Tribune is a great resource for local history, genealogy and History Day research. Bi-monthly webinars will help you increase your skills and knowledge. One-hour sessions are currently scheduled through March 2014. February and March sessions will be held:
Preregistration is not required. Login instructions and the full list of webinars are available on Proquest’s Training website. For more information, or to request a reasonable accommodation to participate in these events, contact Jennifer Verbrugge at 651-582-8356 or jennifer.verbrugge@state.mn.us. Public Library Annual Report TrainingData collection for the 2013 Public Library Statistical Survey will get underway on February 3, 2014. The collection period will close on Tuesday, April 1, 2014. State Library Services and Counting Opinions are offering a webinar to provide an introduction to the process and offer instruction in data entry. While this session is likely of most interest to individuals who have never used LibPAS, it may also serve as a good refresher. The training webinar will be held on Thursday, February 6, 2014, 1–2 p.m., and pre-registration is not required. Counting Opinions will also offer a special training session on using LibPAS to create reports. Reports can document your libraries’ annual activity in any area reported on, as well as identify trends over time. The session is scheduled for Friday, February 7, 2014, 11 a.m. –12 noon. Pre-registration is not required. Please enter the webinar by typing in your name. E-mail Jennifer Nelson jennifer.r.nelson@state.mn.us to let her know if you or other staff at your library are interested but unable to attend, as other sessions may be scheduled. Contact Mary Ann Van Cura maryann.vancura@state.mn.us to request a reasonable accomodation to participate. Note: The Minnesota Department of Education requires advance notice to provide the requested accomodation and a 48-hour notice to cancel requested accomodation. Legal Information Training at Your Public LibraryDo you dread getting asked legal questions? The State Law Library can help! State Law Librarian Liz Reppe can visit your library and talk to the librarians or the public about finding legal information. Classes can be tailored to a particular area of law, and Liz can provide recommendations related to your library’s collection. In the alternative, she can present a class on how to find people using free Web resources. The State Law Library serves the whole state. Legal reference questions from librarians or patrons can be directed to the library via e-mail (askalibrarian@courts.state.mn.us) or by phone at 651-297-7651. To set up a library visit, contact Liz Reppe at 651-297-2089 or liz.reppe@courts.state.mn.us. Department of Commerce Programming OpportunitiesBring the expertise of the Minnesota Department of Commerce to programming in your library. Commerce Department outreach staff will speak for free on topics ranging from avoiding scams and frauds to saving money through energy conservation. Sessions are available for all ages, preschoolers to seniors. Work with Commerce Department staff to customize presentations based on the specific interests and needs of your patrons. Sessions last one hour, which includes time for questions. There is no limit to attendance size. All you need to provide is a meeting room and a connection to the internet as well as assistance with publicizing the events. For more information about available programs and scheduling, contact Jennifer Verbrugge at 651-582-8356 or jennifer.verbrugge@state.mn.us. Library Services and Technology Act Competitive Grant RoundNow’s the time to start thinking about how grant funds can help your library. State Library Services will open a Library Services and Technology Act competitive grant round by Tuesday March 4, 2014. We anticipate that applications will be due April 22, 2014, for projects taking place between July 1, 2014, and June 30, 2015. An informational webinar will be held on Friday, March 7, 1–2 p.m.; advance registration is not required. Access the webinar site. Please contact Jackie Blagsvedt at Jacqueline.blagsvedt@state.mn.us or 651-582-8805 for more information or to request a reseasonable accomodation. Note: The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) requires a two-week advance notice in order to provide the requested accommodation and requires a 48-hour notice to cancel a requested accommodation. 21st Century Community Learning Grant Program The Minnesota Department of Education is seeking applications from eligible applicants—Minnesota schools, school districts, non-profit agencies, city or county government agencies, faith-based organizations, institutions of higher education and for profit-corporations—who seek funding for establishing, sustaining and/or enhancing community learning centers statewide as part of the 21st Century Community Learning Grant Program. The resources are intended to be used to provide a wide range of high-quality enrichment opportunities that complement the regular academic program of students during times when school is not in session, including before and after school, evenings, school release days and summer. The department estimates the initial grant period will be from August 1, 2014, until July 31, 2017, with anticipated extensions up to two additional years contingent upon progress and continued funding. Please visit the Grant Opportunity Web page and scroll down to this grant opportunity for the application documents. The application (cover sheet, assurances, narrative, forms and budget documents) must be received (not postmarked by) Monday, March 10, 2014, 4:30 p.m. CST. For more information or to sign up for this listserve, please contact Jennifer R. Nelson at 651-582-8791 or jennifer.r.nelson@state.mn.us. |