Notable Dates for your Noggin: November 2015

Calendar BannerEach month we’ll bring you a compiled list of fun national holidays, birthdays of authors, and publication dates of favorite books.  You can use these for your own personal use or for some library inspiration!

November is National Novel Writing Month and of course Movember!

Other things to celebrate in November. . .

1 National Authors’ Day
8 11/22/63 (Stephen King) published in 2011
Cappuccino Day
12 Chicken Soup for the Soul Day
15 America Recycles Day
21 Stuffing Day
International Games Day
28 French Toast Day
25 Marc Brown’s Birthday (1945)
29 CS Lewis’ Birthday (1898)
30 Mark Twain’s Birthday (1835)

Did we miss anything?  Let us know if we did!

For our calendar of library events, including conferences and library days, check out our Events/Initiatives page.

And for more Notable Dates for Your Noggin, check out our Notable Dates page.

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