Group Visits to CMLE Libraries: Let’s Go!

OpenLibraryLogoIf you are reading this, you are almost certainly a library fan. And of course, you would be entirely correct to be so – libraries are fantastic!!

At CMLE, we feel we have both lovely libraries and wonderful library people. As we seem to all agree on this across our system – it would be great to visit each other and to have the chance to admire each other’s libraries!

We are organizing monthly trips to libraries across the system, so we can all have a chance to visit libraries that are new to us, different types, and approach the same challenges in maybe a new way. Plus, going as a group gives people the chance to meet up in person! (We are not restricting this to just CMLE members; if you are reading this, you are invited!)

Our February trip will be to the Great River Library System‘s St. Cloud public library. We will meet there at 9:00 am on Monday, Feb 27. You can plan on at least an hour to tour, but feel free to leave early if you have other engagements that day.  Everyone does need to be at the front door at 9, as the library is not open yet and they are letting us in as a special event.

Our March trip will be to see the just-renovated St. John’s library! On Tuesday, March 21 we will gather there at 3:00 for a tour of the new facilities. Afterward, there will be an opportunity for chatting among ourselves and some refreshments. Again, if your schedule requires you to depart early – that’s fine. You may want to check out some history before you go; or get familiar with their renovation project work.

While we will happily take walk-ins on the day of the tour if your schedule suddenly frees you up, we ask for RSVPs to give us an idea of how many people to expect on each tour. Just fill out the form below, and we will remind you of the visit! And if you would like us to come see your library (you won’t find a happier group of visitors!), tell us in the form’s comment, in the comment section below, or just send us an email at CMLE Headquarters.

We are looking forward to seeing you, and to seeing our member libraries!

Are you planning to attend a library visit?(required)