Looking for first year academic library instruction info!

Are you working with first year students in academic libraries? We are passing on a survey a group from ACRL. Share your ideas with them, and make everyone’s experience stronger!

Dear Colleagues,

We want to learn about your pedagogical approach to first-year student library instruction.  We are currently interviewing students, but want to learn from you as well. Our hope is to find a set of themes that can serve as a foundation for planning information literacy instruction that emphasizes students’ existing strengths in using information.

Our survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and will not collect any identifiable information.  More information about participation and confidentiality can be found at the beginning of the survey. Access the survey through this link: https://utsa.az1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_e5QHywjMMCpboI5

Learn more about our research and/or join us for a lively conversation at ACRL.

Thank you kindly,

Elizabeth Kocevar-Weidinger, Howard Community College
Tatiana Pashkova-Balkenhol, Millersville University
Mark Lenker, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Emily Cox, University of Texas, San Antonio