OCLC and ACRL: Visualization tool evaluation

Want to earn a $35 Amazon.com gift card?

Participate in the evaluation of the visualization tool for our

ACRL OCLC Research Agenda Project

OCLC is working with the American Library Association, Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) to develop a research agenda for student learning and success. The agenda is based on a literature review of library and information science (LIS) and higher education documents together with interviews of academic library administrators and representatives from provost offices at academic institutions within the US. Part of the project includes a visualization tool to search the reviewed literature and to create visualizations.

The OCLC project team is looking for academic library administrators, practicing academic librarians, and LIS researchers and students to evaluate the visualization tool. During the evaluation, participants will be asked to work through a few tasks on their own computer and to speak aloud. While doing the tasks (and with the participant’s permission), OCLC staff will use WebEx to see the participant’s screen and to hear their comments.

The complete evaluation will take no more than 90 minutes and will be recorded. Participants will be offered a $35 Amazon.com gift card for participating in the evaluation.

If you are interested in participating, please complete the Google Form available at https://goo.gl/forms/DUVD5CqsMiLls9BB2.  If selected, you will be contacted by email by Mike Prasse, Manager, of the OCLC Usability Lab, who will provide the materials and instructions needed for participating in the evaluation along with the scheduled time and date of your usability test. You will be given the $35 Amazon.com gift card after you have completed the evaluation of the visualization tool.

More information about the project is available at http://www.oclc.org/research/themes/user-studies/acrl-agenda.html.

Thank you.


Lynn Silipigni Connaway, PhD

OCLC · Senior Research Scientist and Director of User Research, OCLC Research
6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, OH USA 43017
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