Looking for book suggestions: Donor-conceived characters in YA or MG literature

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CMLE members: this is a library person looking for suggestions. She found a few already, posted below; but if you have others, post them to the comments!

“Once a year I ask the collective wisdom if they’ve come across any donor-conceived characters in YA or MG literature in their past year of reading since one person (me) can’t possibly read everything!

I’m wondering if any of you have come across any more. Donor-conceived people are those conceived with sperm, egg, or embryo donation, usually to single mothers by choice, gay parents, or those with fertility struggles in heterosexual families who can’t use their own gametes to conceive. I am interested in how identity as a donor-conceived teen or tween is represented in YA or MG literature.

I curate a list on my YA Books for Door Offspring blog and I am always on the look out for more fiction on this topic.”

You’re Welcome, Universe / Whitney Gardner

The Upside of Unrequited / Beckly Albertalli

The Secret of a Heart Note / Stacey Lee

Swing Sideways / Nanci Turner Steveson

The Other F-Word / Natasha Friend

Saving Montgomery Sole / Mariko Tamaki

Spirit Level / Sarah N. Harvey

Ashes to Asheville by Sarah Dooley

The Lotterys Plus One by Emma Donoghue