Training Tips: CMLE has material for you!

We are very interested in helping all our members (and other library people!) get the training they need to be ready to serve their communities. Working in libraries means constant change, new services coming along all the time. Staying on top of it all is tough!

CMLE will work to provide training in areas helpful to our community members. Some of that is in person, and it is fun to connect with each other as we work through ideas. Other material is on our website. We provide online training material for all types of libraries, including:

  • Linking Our Libraries podcast: training on all kinds of topics library people need, with a focus on leadership skills in different situations (subscribe, or stream from our site; read all the info on our site)
  • Reading With Libraries podcast: reader’s advisory material, with a new genre discussed each week; book recommendations, links to resources, and guest hosts to share ideas all combine to make this a fun and useful book group podcast (subscribe, or stream from our site; read all the info on our site)
  • Book Bouquets: a weekly series of books grouped around a specific topic; provided for people’s own TBR list, or to set up displays in their libraries; flyers included each week
  • Spotlight Program series: weekly series of programs that can be put on in any library, usually at low (or no) cost, and with little prep time
  • Read Across Minnesota series: a weekly book shared from a Minnesota author, or set in Minnesota; comes with a Google map to show locations of each book

What other topics would be helpful to you, as you work in your library?? We are here to find training ideas for you – either provided in-house, or we will help to track down some other training opportunities for you!