Two Upcoming CMLE Social Events!

There are so many reasons September is great: back to school, pumpkin spice lattes, and TWO opportunities for you to connect with other awesome library folks! We want to meet in different places, so we can try out new things, and we can be closer to different members at different times.

On Tuesday, September 25th, we’ll be having a Postcard Party in the Park! Join us at Munsinger Gardens in St. Cloud from 11-1pm and let’s do some library advocacy! We provide postcards and postage, along with sample text, and we write to our legislators and local decision makers to urge them to support all types of libraries.


And on Sunday, September 30th, we’re doing something a little extra special: having tea! Join us at the Mad Hatter Restaurant, in Anoka at 10:30am. We do ask that you RSVP if you plan to join us for this event. We’ll talk libraries, hear about summer adventures, and enjoy delicious refreshments!


We hope to see you at one or both of our events. One of our goals as a multitype system is to connect members of the library community with each other, to network and share ideas and challenges. We can’t wait to see you!