Training Tips: Using CMLE Podcasts for Fun and Profit

Okay, that title may be overselling it just a tad.

For sure, we promise fun! Libraries are ALWAYS fun topics to discuss!! Plus, we have so many interesting Guest Hosts, we talk about cool stuff – it would be pretty impossible to not have fun!

And we haven’t even mentioned the wonderful assistance Official Office Dog Lady Grey provides. She’s usually a quiet presence in the studio as we record – but her influence is real.

And you need to keep building skills to continue to be successful in your job. Plus, (see below) we will be offering Continuing Education Clock Hours/CE credits for working your way through the education bonuses in each episode.

We talk about our podcast a lot – and there is much to discuss!

Yes we are doing these partly because we are having fun. I’d challenge you to talk about books you read with interesting people, or ways to think about library success, without having fun.

But our mission as a multitype library system is twofold: Advocacy and Education.

We hope our podcasts achieve both of these goals!

Right now our podcast Linking Our Libraries is up. (Each of our two main podcast run 15 episode seasons, while the other one is on hiatus.)

We are into Season Four. And again this season we are working our way through a collection of leadership/management competencies. These are knowledge, skills, and abilities that anyone working in a library can use.

Each week we talk about a different competency. We provide information you can use to learn more about it, and our Guest Hosts come talk about using the competency in practice.

How can you use this in your own training? How can your library share this information across the staff, or across others in your school or organization?


  • Subscribe to Linking Our Libraries in your favorite podcast app
    • If you see an icon with Official Office Bear Orville – that’s our old link. Unsubscribe to that; we’ve moved up in the world and are all kinds of nifty now!
    • Type or copy this RSS feed into any podcast app:
    • You should see the blue, graphic icon that you also see a couple of paragraphs above this very sentence.
  • Stream it on our website
    • Just click here
    • You can see all the episodes on this page
    • Each individual episode has a show notes page. You can stream it right there, and read all the show information
  • Read useful information
    • On each show notes page we have the basics of the material we discussed, so you can find it all in one place
    • This is especially helpful when we talk about content in big lists, or have a lot of topics to share


We want this podcast to be a true learning experience for you, and for your colleagues. We will provide a quiz after each episode, to give you a chance to demonstrate and apply the knowledge you learned on the topic. This will help you to cement your understanding of the competency, and give you some ways to apply it in your work life.

School library people, teachers, and anyone else who needs to accumulate continuing education credits: We will provide you with a certificate attesting to your meeting Minnesota state standards for your continuing education requirements. We anticipate working through each podcast episode, and the accompanying material will provide .5 hour of credit.

If you are licensed outside Minnesota, talk to us! We will work to create a system that will work for your state’s requirements.

Stay tuned for this new program!

If you would like to be contacted when we begin this program, add your name and email below. We will have this information in our weekly newsletter, and we will send you a special invitation!