Training Tips: Talk about inspiring books!

It’s January!

It’s time to make resolutions!

(Or goals. Or reflections. Or none of these. You be you.)

Probably most of us in the library world resolve to read books, read more fun books, more diverse books, more books of all sorts.

As a side note: you may want to set up an account on Goodreads, and let them track your reading progress toward a personal goal. I do like doing this – it’s fun for me to see books I’ve read over the past few years!

So, yes. Read books. More. Diverse. Fun. All of these are good things.

And today I want to encourage you all to think about books that inspire you. Books that made you sit down and say “Huh” or “Wowza!” or something else.

Was it fiction? Was it nonfiction? What made you inspired and made you think about something in a new way?

These are the books you can share with your community! Tell them about books all the time, yes. But telling them about a book that had a definite impact on you, one that helped you to try new things, think new thoughts – THAT’S a book that will be easy to share and other people will want to read!

Talk about the books that inspired you, and ask other people about their books. You can start a conversation, learn some new things, and share some of your stuff. It’s good all around!

And we would like you to tell us about books that have inspired you! Email us at admin @, tweet to us at  @CMLELibs, message us on Facebook at, or stop by our office to talk with us! And feel free to comment below!

We are going to start featuring some books that have inspired our members in future articles, so start sending us some titles now!

Inspire us today! Share your best book ideas, so we can spread the word!!