Can we visit your library?

Members, we love to visit your libraries! It’s such a joy to discover all the amazing programming, resources, and materials that you have to offer your communities!

We have an entire page dedicated to our Library Visits and we hope you take a look at some of the fantastic member libraries we have visited. (It is a long list!!)

But the CMLE system is made up of 12  counties! That is a lot of libraries, and we have not visited every one! So, we want to come to visit YOU!

And to encourage you to set up a visit, we have a lovely selection of framed literary-themed prints that we are offering to libraries that contact us to set up a visit. You can choose two prints and we will bring them to you at the time of the visit. See below for the choices:

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Our visits are casual, probably around thirty minutes long, and involve CMLE staff admiring the work you doing and finding out how we can be of more help to you in your library, archive, or media center. (They are not a test or scary or painful in any way!)

Sign up below, send  an email to, or visit our Request a Site Visit page. We can’t wait to visit you! 🙂