All posts by admincmle

The Central Minnesota Libraries Exchange (CMLE) is one of seven regional multitype library systems established to meet the needs of and share the resources of all types of libraries. We love libraries, and are here to support them!

June Productivity Tip

According to the folks at  MakeUseOf, “The time has come where we all make promises to ourselves that we’ll be better, harder, faster, and stronger by the end of 2014. Twelve months is a long time, though, and it can be easy to lose steam over such a long period. What can you do about it? Our CMLE approach: break the year down into months and dedicate each month to a particular change. This method lets you internalize one change at a time before moving onto the next one. Front loading all of your resolutions together is just a recipe for being overwhelmed. A common resolution for most working people is to be more productive. If you do it right, by the end of the year you’ll be doing more work in less time!” Credit for the content of these monthly posts goes to Joel Lee, MakeUseOf.


Image by swanksalot. Retrieved from Flickr. Used under Creative Commons licensing. Some rights reserved.
Image by swanksalot. Retrieved from Flickr. Used under Creative Commons licensing. Some rights reserved.

June’s Bad Habit: Neglecting Exercise

“If you’re a white collar worker, you likely spend the majority of your day sitting in a chair. This can wreak havoc on your posture. If you’re frequently working with computers, there are additional risks that you need to keep in check, including computer fatigue. A sedentary lifestyle can have a lot of negative impact on your physical and mental health.

Solution: Exercise. Most New Year resolutions that involve exercise start in January and tend to fizzle out by February. I believe the dreary weather is a big factor. By starting in June, you’re setting yourself up for success since you’ll already be in the habit when the next winter rolls around.

Use RunKeeper to track your exercise goals and check out these exercise YouTube channels for training and motivation.”

We have run out of time to give you the last six tips….but no worries. Keep yourself on track over the summer and get them from 12 Productivity Habits To Finally Hack Your Life In The New Year by Joel Lee, MakeUseOf, Jan.1, 2014

Marjane Satrapi Visit to CSB

CMLE staff thought you might enjoy early notice that on October 20, 2014, Marjane Satrapi, bestselling author and illustrator of Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood, will be at the College of St. Benedict.

Persepolis is the story of Satrapi’s youth in Iran in the 1970s and 80s, of living through the Islamic Revolution and the war with Iraq. It is a book about childhood, a childhood at once outrageous and ordinary.

The talk is free, get more information at CSB at



Consider an AAS Degree in Library Information Technology

CMLE has agreed to help Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC) get the word out about its Library Information Technology program. In a nutshell, it  is completely online and offers an AAS degree; two Certificates that can be obtained in as little as two semesters, and stand-alone Continuing Education courses.

Check out this flyer to get more detail!





Top Book Recommendation Sites

books and booksLast week we included a post with summer reading lists. Worried that you need more?

Title lists are one thing, engaging in a whole book lovers community is another rich way to become aware of additional titles for your wish list. If you have a Goodreads account, you know that you can immerse yourself in a community of readers and book recommendations. Sounds like summer nirvana to me!

The Guardian recently offered a great post to let you know about other sites like Goodreads. Who knows where you might feel most at home! Check it out…. Top book-recommendation platforms: what are your favourites?

Have we missed others?

CMLE Important Updates!

Some rights reserved by withremote
Some rights reserved by withremote

It is hard to believe that it is once again summertime, where programming in most libraries changes a bit for a few months. We know the public libraries gear up for summer reading programs, but academic and K-12 typically slow down, or go on summer hiatus. Work in the CMLE office changes too, as summer is our time for retooling, administrative work,  and special projects. Yes, and we will try to squeeze in a little much needed vacation time too!


  • The end date for the 23 Mobile Things Program is June 15th! Will you be done so we can get you a completion prize and also put your name in a drawing for a bigger cool prize? We hope so! We are stumped on what would be a great prize that would suit everyone’s dreams. Email your prize ideas (up to $200 value) our way. Note:  If you have not requested all of your badges be sure to do so in order to get in the drawing. We will rely solely on the badges to enter your name in the drawing!
  • Are you curious and/or passionate about eBooks and feel strongly about the need for your organization to get more involved with eBooks? Now is a pivotal time to get involved. Go to to get information about free webinars that will lead up to a MN eBook Summit in August at St. Catherine University.

A Few Items to Note

  • The CMLE Office is closed on Fridays from June 6th through August 29, 2014
  • The Thursday Weekly Review email message recapping our blog posts, will cease during the above time period. So, next week, June 5th is our last edition for this fiscal/academic year!
  • Our CMLE blogging activities will cease for the most part during this time period too!
  • Email will be used to share any news or information that is urgent in nature and cannot wait until September.

Watch for a blog post next wrapping up this fiscal year!